by CodingStudio



Most of the people engaged in the fishery sector, either in the culture or in the capture fisheries are notvery sound economically. The initial investment in setting up of a fish pond or a farm attracts comparativelylarge funds. Moreover, due to a lack of awareness, knowledge, and skill in scientific fish culture practices andmanagement, fish production in the state is comparatively low in relation to its potential. Department ofFisheries can play important role in bridging these gaps and contribute to technical backstopping. Due tothe constant effort of the state as well as central government and the growing interest of the farming communityduring the last few years, the fishery sector in the BTR has reached a significant position in the BTReconomy. Recently fish farming has been taken by many rural youth and entrepreneurs as a commercialactivity.For overall growth of the sector, the Department functions with the slogan of ‘’Grow More Fish’’ and thefollowing mandates: To increase fish and quality fish seed production in the state with optimum utilization of resources. Implementation of fishery-related schemes of the Government of Assam and the Government of India. To identify and promote research and studies on fisheries and fishery-related areas so that benefitscan be disseminated to the grass root level users. To collect, compile, analyze, and make available adequate/relevant statistical and otherinformation for proper planning to promote fish farming and related industries/ activities. To prepare/support in preparation/vet project reports and proposals related to Fisheries and Fisheryrelated industries. To provide extension services to fish farmers/ fishermen and fishery entrepreneurs.